Data Protection Officer Services
The Data Project DPO Services are for businesses who require DPO functionality but may not have a dedicated or specialist internal resource. This may be due to their size where a full-time commitment is not cost efficient, or if the business prefers to have greater objectivity and give independence to their data processes and practices.
The DPO Services from The Data Project deliver specialist knowledge and in-depth experience to the in-house team, Compliance Officer or appointed in-house DPO representative.
There are two services to choose from:
Outsourced DPO
This service is where The Data Project acts as your in-house DPO. Our offering focuses on monitoring your internal data compliance processes and delivering risk-based advice to help businesses understand the impact and application of their activities in relation to the principles and regulations outlined within the DPA (2018) and any other applicable data protection legislation, whilst focusing on delivering a defensible position in response to any formal audit.
The Outsourced DPO Service will inform and advise the business on data protection obligations and support the business to develop a pro-active in-house culture focused on ‘Privacy by Design’ for their Data Protection and Data Management activities as well as delivering effective awareness for management and employees.
DPO Support Service
For businesses with a dedicated in -house Data Protection Officer, our DPO Support Service complements your DPO’s activities by delivering specialist updates, advice and assistance for the DPO. Providing guidance on best practise industry applications and updates on enforcements regarding DPA (2018), our flexible service allows DPOs to discuss and sense check policies, processes and risk assessments ensuring an up to date position for your business.